Monday, December 4, 2017

Follow us on Facebook

When build season starts the excitement starts to get intense. Facebook is where you can see the designing team pull together to CAD the robot. Then the build team takes over and builds in 6 weeks. During that time the marketing team is out trying to get sponsors for the $5000 out of pocket extra that can be spent on parts and travel money for buses and food. And the safety team catalogs all the parts and prices used to create the robot. They also ensure the rules are being followed and safety is the first thing everyone from the team thinks of before starting anything. Like us on FaceBook to watch how we progress.

Friday, December 1, 2017

No Sense of Humor

So the suit was not a favorite of the mentors.

The price was a bit too high for a team uniform that usually consists of a T-shirt.  Rumor has is one team member wants to still buy the suit.  Can you guess which one??

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling

No Long Now

Now that we are into the second semester. Project Jabberwocky is really starting to come together  and bond  as a team.  There has been a couple of team parties and movie nights where everyone is invited and the seniors are giving rides home to the lower class men of the team.
We are about 5 week from the reveal of what the topic will be for competition and we have our first site, Hartford. Speculation is still leaning towards a 1980's arcade video game.  Pac-Man was one of the biggest new arcades games. They found this as a possible team uniform...

Follow us on Facebook

When build season starts the excitement starts to get intense. Facebook is where you can see the designing team pull together to CAD t...